The Family Home

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*на издание установлена скидка ввиду брака внешнего вида. Подробнее уточняйте в магазине по номеру телефона: +7 (495) 222-15-49. This new book provides unique access to 9 distinct interiors from renowned Belgian architects and designers who have a deep understanding of family life. Belgian architects are best known for their exceptional craftsmanship and refined sophistication, for their attention to space and light, as well as their expert use of sumptuous materials and details. A “Family Home” blends comfort with elegance, authenticity with simplicity. Understated luxury is a common theme of the family interiors featured in this book, with custom-designed furnishings, artisanal pieces and an emphasis on serenity, simple forms, and a soft, warm palette. Through 9 carefully constructed interior and exterior spaces, these family residences are rich with inspirational ideas, with a particular focus on craftsmanship in design and simplicity.

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