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Искусство XXI век
Alex Israel / Bret Easton Ellis

Alex Israel / Bret Easton Ellis

Доставка по Москве, России и СНГ
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Подробнее о товаре

This provocative new book presents the collaborative paintings of Alex Israel and Bret Easton Ellis, among today’s sharpest observers of the culture of pleasure, their art inseparable from the world in which it finds expression. Los Angeles is both background and subject in the respective oeuvres of Israel and Ellis. For Israel, the American dream, as embodied by the L.A. mythos, remains affecting and potent, and he approaches his hometown with an uncanny coupling of local familiarity and anthropological curiosity. While Ellis, who became famous for his portrait of an amoral, decadent L.A. of the 1980s in his debut novel Less Than Zero, has continued to elaborate upon his jaundiced vision of a superficial youth society over the past two decades.

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